I offer several unique experiences to assist those who seek respite from the mundanity of the material world. My aim is for my clients to reach heightened states and foster a profound connection between art, passion, and individual desires.


    Step into the world of my art and experience its magnetic allure up close with a personalized studio visit, where you'll have the exclusive opportunity to explore the enigmatic landscapes of my creations, guided by the artist herself.

    One hour/600

    Two hours/1000


    Bringing the essence of my art directly to your doorstep, I offer an intimate and exclusive service, where I meet you in the comfort of your own home, allowing you to experience the seductive mystique of my creations in a setting that resonates with your personal desires and tastes.

    One hour/700

    Two hours/1200


    An overnight experience of the exploration of art and desire; a confrontation of the mutual psyche's deepest yearnings. Discover your most inspired self. 2800


    FMTY. Embark on a journey of desire and exploration with my exclusive international rendezvous service, where I, the artist, will meet you at a location of your choosing, transcending borders to deliver the enigmatic allure of my art directly into your world, wherever you are on this captivating globe. 4000+


    Custom paintings and bespoke experiences. Divulge your wildest fantasies and I will do my best to accommodate in every way. Price upon request.


    For the connoisseur who desires to support the arts but lacks availability to meet. Cover the cost of art supplies for one month. 680